Pink Peonies Bouquet

$275.00 Sale Save
Number of Stems 25

Experience timeless elegance with our mono bouquet featuring exquisite peonies. Every stem is carefully selected to craft an arrangement that radiates purity and sophistication. The gentle, velvety petals of the peonies evoke a feeling of serenity and grace, making this mono bouquet an ideal option for weddings, special occasions, or conveying sentiments of purity and admiration. Enhance your floral journey with the timeless allure and subtle sophistication of our peony mono bouquet, symbolizing purity and everlasting love.

We use the freshest flowers currently available in our market and therefore your design may vary from the inspiration photo above. If substitutions are required, we will strive to achieve the overall style and color palette as pictured. If any design elements are important to your order, please contact us with those requests.